Monday, October 27, 2008

If McCain/Palin Win, I’m reenlisting: A Satire.

Been thinking a lot lately, you know? Every four years these crazy Hollywood liberals come off like their opinion is the only one that matters.

If Bush wins, I’m off to Canada they say. If Bush wins again, I’m off to Canada they say. Well fuck that bleeding heart anti-American bullshit. If McCain Palin win in 2008, I’m not moving to Canada, I’m reenlisting. Yup. You heard right folks, re-en-fuck-ing-listing. Folks keep bashing Palin’s lack of experience when she’s the commander in chief of the largest state of the union. Folks keep saying McCain’s no different than Bush when he’s got bonafied maverick status.

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately, you know? About reenlisting. God. Country. Corps. The country is about to elect a deranged Muslim socialist with no plan but a bad one to be commander in chief. And what can I do? I figure I’ll straighten up, and let the country know they’ll have at least one more good Marine if they can put McCain in office.

No stop loss, no reenlistment bonus, and no more money for college. Just sign me up and send me over to the middle-fucking-east so I don’t get blamed for contributing to the white flag of surrender. Just send me over so I can do my American duty: spread democracy, stop terror, pick up dead bodies, hopefully kill something, and come home a bonafied maverick myself.

You see, I’ve been real guilty the last few years for not going to Iraq. Did every damn thing the Marine Corps told me to do and how do I get repaid? They split my fucking unit up and I get to stay stateside. This is my chance. When I didn’t go I was pissed to say the least. The last few months in particular. I’ve been doing this anti-war shit. Can you believe that? An anti-war Marine? Get the fuck out. Must be me just acting out, because I miss that shit. Like I’m some fucking adolescent going against the grain…man I gotta get back in step. I miss that shit. The rhetoric, the rush, the fucked up romanticizing of warfare. Thoughts of warring with some less sophisticated enemy that rides around on camels and blows shit up in the name of god. God I miss it.

I miss racial epithets: Arab, hadji, towel head, raghead.

I miss misogyny, homophobia and patriarchy. Pussies are for fucking and mouths are for sucking. I’m getting laid like it’s a fucking game.

I miss anthrax shots and funeral duty. Training in the morgue and getting drunk before bed.

I miss PFT’s and platoon rivalries. I miss that shit.

And it hit me today, like a brick fucking wall. That I miss it. That I’ve been wrong – I gotta get back in. And if McCain Palin win, I’m reenlisting. I’ve already talked to a prior service recruiter. I have 2 MOS’s and I picked up Sgt. right before I got out-I didn’t even know because I was IRR. My MOS is supply and mortuary affairs. I got it made. Two things the marines will always need. Someone to send shit to the grunts that they’ll probably get late – and someone to pick up the dead fucking remains from the supply lacking grunts, fried helo pilots, BBQ’d tankers, and the occasional Iraqi civilian. If McCain Palin win, I got-it-fuck-ing-made dude. In like Flynn. 2 MOS’s. E-5. Motivated. Dedicated. Motivated. Dedicated.

Back to the rhetoric, back to the rush.

Back to romantic thoughts of fighting in some god forsaken land.

Back to racial epithets. Krout, gook, towel head, hadji.

Back to inoculation, burials, training, and drinking, and doing it all over again.

I miss that shit. But not for long America. On 4 November 2008 when McCain and Palin win I’m headed straight over to the office to sign back up. Gunny already knows, and he’s got my shit waiting.

Because I want a real commander in chief. Somebody that served and got places because of his father and grandfather and his name. I want a real commander in chief. Somebody that saw war, looked it right in the face, it said “fuck you” and he still wants more for generations to come. I want a real commander in chief. Someone so hardcore that when other POW’s were left in Hanoi and the families wanted the truth he dismissed them as personal attacks, pushed wheel chaired women to tears, screamed about his undying patriotism, courage, and stormed out of the congressional hearing. I want a real commander in chief. Someone whose wife waited for him while he was in a POW camp and when he got back said pussies are for fucking and mouths are for sucking. I’m getting mine and I’m getting paid to do it with a young piece of ass.

And I want a real VP. A bad ass VP. Someone so American, if she don’t like it, it’s un-American. I want a real VP. Someone who has the balls to stand up to bullshit media asking bullshit questions like she should know the answer. I want a real VP. Someone that’s gonna bring it until the U.S. wins the illegal occupation of a country we’ve been in for decades. I want a real VP. Someone to rally the troops and stand up to evil. I want a real VP. Someone that has the courage to be cited for unethical behavior by her state and then blatantly ignore the findings. I want a real VP. Someone that knows the place of a woman and symbolically serves as the national housewife while justifying sexism as purely Americana. I want a real VP. Some that uses her son going to fight in an illegal war as an election tool which only does more to excite the right. I want a real VP. Someone that knows community organizing 20 years ago is a way to invert race and class into the minds of the right so she uses that as a ploy to excite her base. Someone that 20 years ago community organizing would have been out of the picture because she was doing real shit: competing for beauty queen.

I want a real VP. A real commander in chief. A team of mavericks so dead set on succumbing to the right wing fanatical white supremacists they are willing to slay American boys and girls and say it is GODS work.

I want to reenlist. But it’s got to be right. It’s got to be McCain Palin in ’08. It has got to be RIGHT America. And nothing less. What can I do? Figure I’ll straighten up, and let the country know they’ll have at least one more good Marine if they can put McCain and Palin in office. But it’s got to be RIGHT, can’t have nothing left of center.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Guardian OFC

The Guardian Interview After OFC
“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

The man in the car screamed at this marine as he drove by. The past weekend this marine had a one man protest against John McCain. This marine made a sign like Kokesh and blew it up to 20” X 50,” made some fliers, and headed downtown. In the city this marine lives in there is a war memorial (like in so many towns) and everyone driving through downtown goes around it. This marine went there, in his cammies, combat boots, and t-shirt. This marine held a sign that read “McCain Votes Against Vets” on one side and “McCain Votes AGAINST Vets – Will You Vote Against Us Too? – Honor the Warrior. Not the War.” on the other.

The fliers had the following information on them:

The Real McCain-No Friend to Veterans

109th Congress’s Senate Amendments that McCain opposed:
• S. Amdt. 149 attempted to increase veterans’ medical care by $2.8 billion in 2006.
• S. Amdt. 1852 would have set aside $10 million for “readjustment counseling services” for those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
• S. Amdt. 2735 proposed additional funding to shore up the failing infrastructures at veterans hospitals all over the country. This bill would have mandated a minor rollback in the capital gains tax cuts that the current administration has given to the richest one-fifth of 1% of Americans. The horrible truth of Walter Reed Hospital came out one year later.
• S. Amdt. 4442 would “require the redeployment of United States Armed Forces fro Iraq in order to further a political solution in Iraq, encourage the people of Iraq to provide for their own security, and achieve victory on the war on terror.”
• S. Amdt. 2634 & 344 would have funded additional medical care and readjustment counseling for Iraq veterans with mental illness, post-traumatic stress disorder, or substance use disorder.
• S. Amdt. 2737 would have rolled back capital gains tax cuts so needed equipment for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan could be purchased.

Congressional Voting Record…How Does the Maverick Score When Graded on Experience?
• Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America rate McCain a “D” when examining 155 Senate votes since 9/11
• McCain scores a 20 out of possible 100 with Disabled American Veterans Rating of Congress
• AWOL? During the current Congress McCain missed 64.1% of the votes
Are you going to vote for someone who consistently FAILS our service members but SUPPORTS party-line voting?

And the Back-
Support the Troops?

The Surge is Working?
Senator McCain’s claim that the surge is working puts political pressures on the backs of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines.

Wherever our service members go they will perform with proficiency and in an industrial manner. Justifying the surge on the lives of Americans is a political move, and a poor one at that.

Trust McCain, He’s a Vet?
Senator McCain comes from a long line of military brass. He was afforded many benefits to get where he did in the Navy; and he destroyed Navy equipment through buffoonery and poor judgment.

He doesn’t deserve our trust, he deserves our criticism. His privilege allowed him to succeed where others would have slipped through the cracks or been punished.

Straight Talk Express?
“If you get involved in a major ground war in the Saudi desert, I think support will erode significantly. Nor should it be supported. We cannot even contemplate, in my view, trading American blood for Iraqi blood.”
– John McCain, NYT, 8/19/1990

“We must win in Iraq. We cannot fail, if we lose in Iraq, they’re coming after us. We will fight them elsewhere-like here. It’s all part of a gigantic, titanic struggle between good and evil.”
– John McCain, Utah State Republican Convention, May 2006

Shape Up or Ship Out:
“Senator McCain has spent considerable time defending the president on Iraq…but has only managed to show up for four of the last fourteen Iraq votes.” – Harry Reid May 2007

What would a McCain administration look like based on his record and behavior? What are you going to do to stop it?

...A number of people gave this marine the thumbs up, honks and waves, or stopped and said thanks for standing up. A number of people shook their heads as they drove by or shook them in disgust as they walked by. An older man and woman walked by, the man said the sign wasn’t true. This marine tried to give him the flier. The older man refused and kept mumbling under his breath showing his frustration. This marine got upset and lost his tact, he told the old man he was then responsible for more dead marines. The man got mad-are you in the military yelled the man? This marine told him. The older man said “well I’m a Vietnam vet and I don’t appreciate this!” This marine then knew his sign wasn’t the issue, the older man’s conscience was. He had been justifying the lack of health care or support for decades, because ‘he served.’ This marine wondered if the older man had been disabled would he feel differently. This marine wondered if the older man knew the truth if he would change his mind. This marine felt better when another veteran came up with children-probably his grandchildren-and said “man we’ve been trying to tell people this for years.” The man was a disabled vet and works for Disabled American Veterans.

And then the car drove by.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

It kept ringing in this marines head…”You Die, You Die, You Die!”

And this marine thought-how appropriate…A McCain supporter wants this marine to die-for exercising constitutional rights. This marine could think of no better example of what the majority of the conservative right is doing to America-and specifically the military-than by rushing by with no truth or understanding and screaming-

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

This marine got a little upset. This marine knows he’ll never die. This marine is a part of a long history of anti-war supporters. This marine was proud when he enlisted, but even prouder when he continued serving in Iraq Veterans Against the War. This marine won’t die. When Dan Daly jumped up and screamed to his marines “Come on you sons of bitches do you want to live forever!” this marine jumped up with a vigorous YES and has been charging ever since. Charging the enemy ever since. Foreign AND domestic. And Domestic. Folks don't realize there are domestic enemies too.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

This marine thought, maybe the guy in the car wasn’t directing it specifically at him; perhaps it was a call to other folks, maybe even other veterans.

Maybe he was screaming at 1000 veterans under VA care that attempt suicide each month.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was screaming at marines that suffer from PTSD.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was screaming at families that have lost sons and daughters to friendly fire.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was screaming at veterans that have been beaten by police and trampled by their horses outside of presidential debates.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was yelling at females serving that have been raped and sexually harassed.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was yelling at Vietnam Veterans Against the War that are troubled because another generation is in an illegal and immoral war.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he was screaming at innocent Iraqi’s that are being killed or detained illegally.

“You Die, You Die, You Die!”

Maybe he is screaming at this marine. Maybe at you.

Maybe this marine will have better luck sharing the truth when he goes out again. Maybe this marine will just get stronger. Maybe this marine knows folks have his back. Maybe this marine will persevere. Maybe more folks should be bold, maybe more folks should listen to this marine.

Maybe, just maybe, this marine is right.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Suicide in the Trenches

I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark
And whistled early with the lark

In winter trenches cowed and glum
With crumps, and lice, and lack of rum
He put a bullet through his brain
No one spoke of him again

You smug faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go

Written by Siegfried Sassoon, 1918